47+ Gorgeous Fresh Country Kitchen Decor Ideas

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Country kitchen decor ideas, how to start this design? Well, there are many things to consider when it comes to country style. The kitchen with country style is also about planning for the floor and panel. It does not mean that the style makes you create a barn-style kitchen with flat-board panel design. In fact, it is all about the width, the placement such as vertical or horizontal, and the finish including the paint or stain. So your kitchen looks better.

What you need to do with paneling is about adding texture to the kitchen island and kitchen cabinets. Stained panel design will create subtle look on the walls. Also, it is something more than just a farmhouse kitchen. You need to work more than just wood and linoleum flooring design. You have to refinish or paint the old wood floors, as well. But, it gives you a cozy look. If the interest is still new, you can go with distressed design.

The country kitchen is also about white kitchens but you can add more colors. For example, you can add more accents like adding red for the island stools, vintage game board, country blue built-in sideboard, and others that related to American colors.

Additionally, you cannot add too much display. Even though the country kitchen looks complete with the display space to show your collections of ironstone, canning jars, farmhouse antiques, and others. But, you should replace the solid wood cabinet doors with something more modern such as glass-front door. Also, you need to add shelving system between cabinets.

The last thing you can do about country kitchen decor is to find the right vintage styles. Here, what we mean is about adding faucet or sink styles that can add a vintage touch. You can complete it with polished chrome faucet that has bridge style for a more modern look.

image source : pinterest.com

Sora West